Tri-City Public Library Appoints Heather Humphrey to Vacant Trustee Position
July 21, 2019
The Tri-City Public Library District Board of Trustees will welcome Heather Humphrey of Buffalo to its Board at their next board meeting in August. Ms. Humphrey is a parent of a child currently attending Tri-City schools and is employed by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Ms. Humphrey was selected to serve an unfilled board vacancy and will serve a two-year term.
According to Library Board President, Leanne Haage, “the Board had two excellent candidates apply for the trustee opening and we had a difficult decision. We are looking forward to working with our newest board member in continuing the development of the Tri-City Public Library as a valuable community resource.”
The Tri-City Public Library Board of Trustees meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the library.